Thursday 29 August 2013


Summer is nearly over but found this fun tag on the lovely Charlotte's blog Confessions of a Small Town Girl  It's kinda like a get to know me. So thought whilst it's still Summer I'd do it.

1. Favourite bronzer for Summer?

As you may know I love Soap & Glory's Solar Powder Bronzer and have used it quite a bit this Summer, I love it because it's so light wearing and looks great.

2. Favourite summer lip product?

Sounds boring but plain old Chapstick, it has an SPF in it and it comes in lots of gorgeous flavours, my fave being Cherry! I really love Nivea Lip Butter also.

3. Pool or beach?

Definitely the Pool! I have a thing about sand, it physically makes me feel ill. I feel sick just thinking about it - BLEUGH!! 

4. Must have styling product?

My must have product for styling my hair is my Heat Defence Spray! It's a must have for all hair styles.

5. Sun bathing or fake tan?

Sun Bathing. I am awful at putting on tan and it always goes wrong or patchy haha. Saying that I am prone to sunburn whether slapped up in SPF or not.

6. Favourite summer drink?

Definitely Pina Colada's. I love them, only just found out that a cheap, easy at home pina colada can be made with some Malibu and Pineapple juice. My sister also makes these ones called Mary Millingtons with Vodka and lots of fresh fruit and fruit juices. 

7. Favourite summer nail polish?

I don't actually wear nail polish, I'm funny about stuff on my nails. But I know my sister has really enjoyed getting Gelish polish done on here nails, she's currently got Silver Glittery Nails which look fabulous!! 

8. Any summer traditions?

Me and my boyfriend always go the bank by the beach and watch the sunset every year, a few times in Summer. Usually with snacks.

9. Favourite summer scent?

Katy Perry - Meow and Clinique Happy Heart. Both really florally scents which are great for the summer. Both in cute pink bottles too, so they look pretty on my chest of drawers. 

10. Favourite BBQ food?

Belly Pork!! I love everything that comes off a pig but on a Barbie Belly Pork is definitely a winner! And can't go wrong with a Corn on the Cob. Mmmm now I'm hungry!!

11. Favourite summer-proof product?

Steamcream, with all the warm, it's drying out my skin and Steamcream has been my saviour!! 

12. Any summer plans?

Not really, been recovering from surgery the most part of the Summer but in September I am going to Vegas to make up for any lost time! Next year though, there will be a Summer holiday, rest assured!! 

Feel free to join in and post this tag on your blog - let me know if you do.


  1. I love Pina Colada's :)
    Have fun in Vegas, I'm sure you have deserved it.

    x x x

    1. There's a place in Liverpool called Aloha and they do them in Pineapples which are sooo yummy!! :) x

  2. I am so jealous you are off to Vegas... I got married there xx

    Lots of Love Beautyqueenuk!
