Thursday 27 February 2014

Kate's Product of the Week - Montagne Jeunesse Anti-Stress Face Mask

I thought since my last PotW was a pretty pricey product (alliteration, I like it!) I have decided this week would be a bargainous treat with lots of positives. 

I started a new job this week so I think the perfect product for the transition from PT worker to FT worker would be a lovely Face Mask and a nice hot bath. My fave face mask is Montagne Jeunesse's Deep Sea Anti-Stress Mud Mask (RRP £1) yes that's another pound bargain as my PotW!! 

Now Montagne Jeunesse, they make loads of different face masks. All of them do different things and have loads for different skin types.

Front and Back of Face Mask Sachet. The back reads "We've harvested deep cleansing Deep Sea Mud to draw out impurities and open pores to leave skin feeling cleansed and soft"

The sachet's contain a lot of product and I can sometimes get 2 uses out of one sachet. The colour on the front of the package is blue when really it's not THAT blue but it still delivers on the promises. 

The formula of this is thick and creamy and it's easy to apply. Below are my tips for applying a MJ mask properly.
  1. Cleanse your skin (I like to use a deep cleansing wipe)
  2. Apply mask to the T-Zone and gradually spread out
  3. Leave on for 10-15 mins 
  4. Relax
  5. After 10-15 mins wash off using a gentle face wash
TIP: As the mask dries, try not to make any sudden facial changes because it can flake the mask and it can go everywhere!!

It's as easy as that! Here's a scary picture of me with my mask on! (I am wearing a vest btw!) 

  • MJ masks come in lot of different types according to skin type
  • You can sometimes get 2 uses out of one sachet
  • Perfect for those who can only do one off pamper nights
  • Some of the "flavours" they come in can be really nice! I once had a chocolate one (YUM)
  • They deliver on their promises
  • Suitable for Veggies and Cruelty -Free
  • Available in literally so many shops!! Tesco, Asda, Boots, Online, Home Bargains, B&M
  • Sudden face movements can cause masks to flake
So there we have it! Week 9. If you ever have any preferences for PotW then let me know!! 

Thanks for reading and for more of the latest news and reviews from the Beauty Hot Squad please follow us on Blog Lovin' 

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